Sunday, 20 May 2012

Weekly Horoscopes 20th - 28th May

The Sun is passing from Taurus into Gemini today. Moreover, it's the solar eclipse today too - the first of two eclipses, the 2nd one being a lunar eclipse on 4th June - and it's a lively week ahead too!

Neptune's around to cloud our thinking: are those big opportunities you see on the road ahead, or are you deluding yourself? That's the effect Neptune can have on our lives. There's only one thing to do when you need to separate fantasy from reality: go with your what you're feeling in your heart and your gut!

Just in time, Mercury's move into Gemini on 24th will help you to make decisions, bringing clarity.

Luckily for all of us, there are some fantastic, intuitive astrologers out there to help us make the best choices this week.

Check out the astro advantages for your weekly scope:
Shelley von Strunckel
Frank Pilkington
Penny Thornton
Eugenia Last

Make the most of all the opportunities that come your way this week - even if they're disguised as obstacles!  May ends on a very upbeat Uranus note - keep looking ahead and visualising positive outcomes.

1 comment:

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