Sunday, 6 May 2012

Weekly forecasts 5th - 13th May

A week where the Sun (in Taurus) is dancing closely with Jupiter (also in Taurus), after the powerful effects of a Super Moon in Scorpio has high energy!  You'll find plenty of good advice in each of these astrologers' predictions for your week.

A man who's been psychic since childhood, Frank Pilkington offers insightful, pragmatic advice, week in, week out, in a calm, clear tone. To see his predictions for 6th -12th May, just click here: Frank Pilkington: 6th - 12th May

An astrologer who's fascinated me for years and has millions of fans the world over, Jonathan Cainer offers thought-provoking ways to view your life and what lies ahead.  When he's on it, he's on it! See your weekly forecasts here: Jonathan Cainer 5th-12th May

Introduced last week, Shelley von Strunckel is one of the most prolific global media astrologers.  Deeply wise and foresightful, you'll find her weekly predictions under your sun sign at Shelley von Strunckel

Finally this week, we introduce Eugenia Last, an astrologer that gives both Western and Chinese horoscope insights in a clear, straightforward tone.  You  can see her weekly predictions here Eugenia Last 6th-12th May or keep them to hand via your Android phone with this app Eugenia's app.

Here's to a great week! Wishing you an abundance of love, light and plenty of opportunities to fulfil your potential!

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